At Thornhill Church, we believe that the Bible is so much more than an old book full of historical stories – we believe that it is the inspired Word of God, and is packed to the brim with comfort, guidance and advice for getting to know God and his plans for us more.
Many of us start a “Bible in a Year”, or a new reading plan at the start of the year, yet many of us do it by ourselves. So we want to encourage all of us to feed daily off the Bible, but do it together and help one another. In our new ‘DAILY BREAD’ series, we will be reading a chapter a day by ourselves whilst sharing and encouraging one another via whatsapp, and then delving deeper into chapters that fall on Sundays during our times together.
We’ll also be studying chapters in our small term groups for whichever days our term groups fall on.
In Matthew 4:4 Jesus said, ‘Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God.’
Download the Daily Bread calendar here, and if you miss a few days, a week, or if you start late, don’t try to catch up, just jump in on the date we are on and start feeding off the Bread of Life.
The Bible chapters that we’ll be looking at on Sundays during our Sunday morning services are as follows:
- 8th January – 1 Corinthians 1
- 15th January – 1 Corinthians 8
- 22nd January – 1 Corinthians 15
- 29th January – 2 Corinthians 6
- 5th February – 2 Corinthians 13
- 12th February – Ephesians 1
- 19th February – Philippians 2
- 26th February – 1 Thessalonians 1
- 5th March – 2 Thessalonians 3
- 12th March – 2 Timothy 1
- 19th March – Philemon
- 26th March – Hebrews 7
- 2nd April – James 1
- 9th April – 1 Peter 3
- 16th April – 1 John 2
If you’d like to catch up on any of the Sunday services that you may have missed, you can watch / listen again here.
You’ll be very welcome to join us at Thornhill Church from 10:30am every Sunday.